The ever changing world of technology is advancing the way estimators calculate flooring products–products ranging from mobile application technologies to laser meters help boost efficiency while increasing accuracy.

Onsite measuring software allows estimators to create diagrams and quotes on the spot at a prospect’s property. Users of mobile technology have the ability to sketch a diagram using a laser meter and also include areas to takeout such as cabinets or tubs. Products can be assigned in front of the customer, as requested from your product catalog. Assignment of products in front of customers also leaves room for discussion of other layout plans, depending on preference, and ultimately helps ensure that customers approve a new job prior to installation. On-site estimations provide tools to help meet material, equipment, and labor requirements for future installations.

Manual methods work fine for most people and many of those techniques have now been adapted into mobile technologies for those looking to advance to the new digital process. Improved assistance in the apps helps users reduce the chance of a mistake–as we know, even small errors can lead to immense financial consequences. Should a business choose to adopt and educate themselves on measuring software, everyone involved will benefit:

  • Save time when creating diagrams and refigure instantly. The average user comfortable with the software can complete a 3-4 bedroom sketch in 15-20 minutes.
  • Faster turnaround time and quicker installations can lead to more satisfied customers.
  • Once an estimator completes their diagrams, the software will provide documentation of the product amount needed, the direction it should be installed in, and the cost estimate. Anticipated equipment usage and labor budget can also be projected.

Traditional methods do have their advantages, depending on the individual, but for the most part, software will enhance your efficiency. Still not convinced? Let’s take a look at how traditional methods stack up against software in three categories: measurement capture, ability to make product changes, and storage/maintenance–

Estimation ProcessTraditional methodSoftware
Measurement Capture

The ability to capture measurements with a tape measure or laser meter and create a diagram as you go
Tools: tape measure, paper and pencil.

Use tape measure to measure each wall and pencil sketch as you move along. Not always neat or easy for others to read.

Tools: laster meter and mobile device with estimation software (e.g. Measure Square & Disto).

Users capture measurement with Disto and transfer data wirelessly to iPad to create measurement. Exact measurements shown on diagrams in scale.
Product Changes

What do you do when customers ask for quotes for multiple products?

Tools: paper & pencil

Draw each diagram out and also figure out estimations based on products. Can be a time sink for irregular properties or layouts.
Tools: Measure Square iOS edition

Create an initial diagram and then duplicate it. For the copies, assign different products and within minutes you will have multiple variations on your original diagram.
Storage / Maintenance

Where do you keep old diagrams stored?
Example: Diagrams are stored in paper and file cabinets, taking up space in your office as your customer base growsExample: Diagrams are stored on virtual cloud, giving you access from anywhere, even outside of your office.

The core techniques are the same, but onsite measuring software increases your efficiency in a way that even the most seasoned hand cannot.

Source: “7 questions to ask before you buy a Laser Distance Meter (LDM)”